Do you know the word "practice makes perfect" ?
That means If you want to get the skills of somthing, you just practice everyday.
I watch Korean TV program for my Korean language skills. It is very useful for me to get the skills.
Why little bay can get your mother toung?
Can the baby fully understand his parent's word? Of course not.
The language, I am convinced, is not the SUBJECT but EVERYDAY LIFE.
Dividing the daily life of shool children, they have 4 stage.
1.The family life
2.The shool life
3.The after school life
4.The extra activities life ( Juku or Piano lessons, etc. )
As they are in Japan, they cannot live without Japanese language in the stage of 1,2 and 4
Only the stage 3 can change their life with Japanese to English.
So,we are preparing after school program where children stay in the environment of English world.the chilldren never study English there. But they are LIVING in English.
I want them know how the world really is. And oneday, they will build up the new Japan in the future.
"practice makes prefect" Is it a good word, isn't it?